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Academic Facilities

The academic facilities at Mangalayatan University are class apart, providing a comprehensive environment to the students to boost confidence and motivation to perform their best.

The university follows Semester System, such as,
  • Odd Semester (July- December)
  • Even Semester (January- June)

There is a Winter-Vacation of approximately 3 weeks in the months of December- January and, a Summer-Vacation of approximately 8 weeks, in the months of June and July.

Additionally, a special semester called, the Summer Semester is conducted for students who were short on attendance rolls, and were unable to appear in the Normal Semester-end examinations.

The university caters a continuous evaluation system, with focus on assignments, quizzes and regular tests, for which the student earns credits based on the subjects chosen.

25 credits are required for completing a semester, upon which GPA (Grade Point Average), is counted for each student.

On completion of more than one semester, CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is computed, and keeps getting revised, as more and more completed semesters are added.

The final CGPA score is given at the completion of the degree.


To aid in distinguished levels of study, students at Mangalayatan University enjoy, Wi-Fi enable facilities on campus premises, with singular access to computer labs.

Sumangalam Hostel, home to nearly 700 university students, is fully Wi-Fi enabled, with a 1 Gbps internet connection.

The Central Computer Centre is equipped with 150 computers, and is open till late hours of the night.

Also, there is a dedicated Information Services Department to look after the university's computational needs, with two engineers being permanently stationed on campus.

The Information Services Department, manages the community portal of Mangalayatan University, access to which is provided to all students and staff members, through an elaborate, efficient ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning system covering all university operations.


Mangalayatan University boasts of particularized well-maintained labs in the country for all streams of education.

A total of 74 laboratories are premised on campus, and are department- specific as well, such as, MEMS, Electrical Machines, Microwave, Cell Biology, VLSI, Microprocessors etc, and many others under-development.

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