+91-9358-333-333(Regular Courses)
+91-9319-888-888(Online Courses)

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

About the Department

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers a vibrant environment of graduate, post graduate education and research; it was established in 2007 as two distinctive branches of engineering namely Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering at the University. Within the ambit of interdisciplinary and interdependent nature of both the Departments, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was shaped by merging the two Departments in the year 2017.

The Department has well qualified faculty members from distinguished Universities/Institutes and well equipped laboratories i.e., Electronics Engineering Lab, Analog Devices and Circuits Lab, Digital Electronics Lab, Linear Integrated Circuits Lab, Communication Systems Lab, Microwave Engineering Lab, Automation Lab, Microprocessor and Applications Lab, Electrical Engineering Lab, Networks Systems Lab, Measurement and Instrumentation Lab, Electrical Machines Lab and Control Engineering Lab etc. The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has distinction of initiating specialized computer based training of electronic and communication systems aimed at raising the quality of its student employability.


“To impart quality technical education in electrical, electronics & communication engineering and emphasizing analysis, design/synthesis and evaluation of hardware/ software/ electrical machines, using various electronic and electrical tools with accent on creativity, innovation and research”.


  • To impart quality education in fundamentals of basic sciences, mathematics, electrical, electronics and communication engineering through innovative teaching-learning processes.
  • To develop graduates to define, design, and solve engineering problems in the field of electrical, electronics and communication engineering using various electrical and electronic tools.
  • To encourage research culture among faculty members and students thereby facilitating them to be creative and innovative through constant interaction with R & D organizations and Industry.
  • To inculcate teamwork, imbibe leadership qualities, professional ethics and social responsibilities in students and faculty members.