This programme enables candidates to explore the realms of technology and come up with the ideas that can be enhanced the technological growth of a nation as well as humans benefits. The 4-semester Master of Technology under the Work Integrated Learning Program to inspire innovation in the technical field and improve existing technologies for better results. The program does also expect to build a strong network of practicing professionals and entrepreneur. This programme is designed for the industrial professional and working employees to expand their technical knowledge as well as their promotion in their respective industries.
Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering is offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering under the umbrella of Institute of Engineering and Technology of Mangalayatan University, Beswaan, Aligarh.
Programme HighlightsOnline courses for working professionals are a boon for those who wish to do all of the above while still being employed in their full-time jobs. The best of such courses for working professionals provide live and interactive lectures through virtual classrooms that are scheduled over the weekends so as to infuse flexibility and convenience for the participants. The best weekend courses for working professionals adopt a hands-on pedagogy in the form of visual learning aids, simulation exercises, case studies, immersive on-campus modules, end-term projects, gamification, etc. Lectures are conducted live via online classes. These lectures can be attended via the internet using a computer from any location. These online classrooms offer similar levels of interactivity as regular classrooms at the Managalayatan University Aligarh campus. The online lectures are conducted usually over weekends for a total of 10-12 hours per week. If you miss a lecture, you can also access the recorded lecture on the internet.
DIGITAL LEARNINGDigital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. It encompasses the application of a wide spectrum of practices including: blended and virtual learning. It is sometimes confused with online learning or e-learning, digital learning encompasses the aforementioned concepts.
A digital learning strategy may include any of or a combination of any of the following:
Through the use of mobile technologies, digital learning can be used whilst travelling as mobile technologies gives us this advantage. Learners can access engaging learning material at their own place which includes recorded lectures from Managalayatan University Aligarh faculty members, course handouts and recorded lab content where applicable.
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENTContinuous assessment is as the name suggests continuous and frequent analysis of the learning performance. Moreover, this method is more of a tool, considering the increase in the need for constantly assessing students. Further, it also proves to be a technique of performance assessment that many educational institutes adopt.
Faculty set different kinds of assignments as part of your course to check what you think, know, understand and/or can do as a result of completing a section of the work or course. As well as understanding what you have to do to complete an assignment, it's important that you know what the lecturers/tutor is looking for or testing.
Purpose of Continuous AssessmentA case study is an in-depth investigation conducted over a given length of time. They are used to collect and present detailed information about a person, group or situation, to try to understand what has happened and why, or to analyse the situation to solve a problem. A case study has a number of different phases:
The assignment includes in the form of
A dissertation is a research project completed as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Typically, a dissertation allows students present their findings in response to a question or proposition that they choose themselves.
The aim of the project work is to test the independent research skills students have acquired during their time at university, with the assessment used to help determine their final grade. Although there is usually some guidance from your tutors, the dissertation project is largely independent.
To acquire Undergraduate degree of engineering skills and to translate original ideas into a working reality, project work is carried out in two phases. The seventh semester offers an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge gained during the programme to a real-world like complex project. To execute the project work; all Laboratories are available with all facilities.
EXPERIENTIAL LEARNINGExperiential learning is, quite simply, learning by doing. We have all learned to walk or talk, not by being shown or told, but by practicing and refining our technique. Consequently, trainers and facilitators can implement this method in all sorts of situations with people from all walks of life. There are no barriers due to age, education, experience, ability, background or culture.
Online Labs VIRTUAL LABVirtual laboratories (or virtual labs for short) are a great way for learners to practice in a safe, online environment. Through virtual science lab games and engineering simulation software, learners can interact with elements, machines, and interfaces before or instead of trying them out in real life. Virtual labs have many applications in educational as well as business environments. In this article, we will shed light on them and help you determine when and how to use virtual laboratories in your eLearning courses.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Virtual LabComputer integrated manufacturing engineering which is the integration of scientific methods and creative approaches, has been a primary driver of human prosperity throughout history. The Design Engineering Lab is focused on research and education. We are an ever-changing center with continuous need for the most capable and thoughtful students and the most exciting research funding opportunities.
REMOTE LABRemote Lab is one more attempt by the work integrated learning programs (WILP) division of a Mangalayatan University Aligarh to bring the campus learning experience to the working professionals complementing their work-life learning balance. These types of labs enable faculty and students to access equipment and/or computers via the internet to perform experiments and laboratory tasks without being in the physical lab space.
Numerical Methods and Computer Programming LabMATLAB is a programming language which empowers you to compose codes for extremely complex calculations. There are such a significant number of zones in structural designing which includes loads of calculations identifying with grids, conditions and complex capacities. Also, it is hard to fathom such calculations utilizing C, C++ codes(i.e. composing codes in typical programming dialects is relatively hard and tedious) . Here MATLAB demonstrates to be helpful. Extraordinarily in water supply designing and auxiliary elements, we have bunches of complex counts, higher request differential conditions and conditions of higher degrees, there MATLAB can be utilized in all respects productively. No doubt about it learn MATLAB, it will be generally excellent. At long last, I would state that base knowing nuts and bolts of MATLAB is exceptionally basic for a structural architect. Some important uses of MATLAB for civil engineering are analyzing of water resources, computational liquid Dynamics, Hardy cross technique, STP plan, WTP structure. It's an extensive rundown.