Catch the Rain
Catch the Rain
The University is working on objective, to sensitizing and educating students and society on issues related to depleting water table and water resource management.
The rivers are the backbone of human civilization which provide fresh water that is the basic necessity of human life. The rivers are also used to generate electricity. Rivers areunder threat due to pollution practices. The conservation of natural resources is priority. To sensitize students towards conservation of water resources, following activities are undertaken.
- The nomenclature of all academic and administrative blocks has been done on the names of rivers like GANGA, YAMUNA, KRISHNA, KAVERI, NARMADA, SARASWATI, GODAVARI, CHAMBAL, TAPTI, SHIPRA, SINDHU and BRAHAMPUTRA. New academic blocks have also been named as AMRAVATI, MAHANADI, SABARMATI and Hostel is named as GOMTI SUMANGALAM, New Boys Hostel is named as SHARDA. This helps to acquaint the students with Indian rich heritage.
- University using the sprinklers for the purpose of watering of parks, poly-house, herbal garden, crop-museum, seed production units etc. for water conservation.
- The Department of Agriculture is spreading the awareness among farmers of local region for water conservation, rain water harvesting and use of sprinklers for irrigation purpose.
- University initiated promoting sprinklers irrigation system through distributing sprinklers systems to marginal farmers of surrounding areas such as village of Mohakampur, Bona etc.
- Value added course on Water Conservation & River Protectionis offered across all disciplines.
- One of the thrust areas of research has been identified as Water Conservation and Reduction of Pollution